Creating a memorial for a loved one is an emotional experience.
For some, it can be a difficult experience as well. Understanding the importance of creating a memorial and keeping the memorial’s importance in mind throughout the process can be helpful.
The Creation of a Memorial is an Act of Love
It’s a way to honor a loved one long after even you have passed. A memorial stands for centuries and designing one that reflects the person being honored is a very loving act indeed. It says, “This person was here and he/she mattered.”
It’s also an act of love for family members to come. They will seek out the memorial you create to learn their family’s history.

A Memorial Shares Your Family’s History
Generations of your family that come after you will depend on the memorial created today to help them understand who they are and where they came from. Students of genealogy use headstones to trace family history and learn about the family members that came before them.
The Creation Process Can Be Healing
Dealing with death is difficult. Creating a memorial helps mentally and emotionally process a death eventually helping with the acceptance of a loved one’s passing.
A memorial is a tangible acknowledgment that the death happened. The process of designing and creating a memorial can be helpful in reaching the acceptance stage of grief, allowing surviving family members to adjust to their new reality. Also, a memorial offers a place to visit and process grief. It is a place to leave flowers, flags, and other small mementos on a site visit.
At Oldham Monument, we’re here to learn about you and the person you loved. We help you navigate the design process creating a memorial that honors the one you love. A memorial reflecting the person being laid to rest is a gift that lasts for centuries.